Let The Sun In

We are now six months in to grey, overcast weather here in the Pacific Northwest. Personally I love the rain, the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof, the fresh smell in the air and the fact that you don't really have to wash your car all that often. Though I think a lot of other Washingtonians also find the rain comforting, it can quickly wear on us. It's hard not to feel down and gloomy when you literally have a dark cloud over your head almost every day. Thankfully we have more control over the weather than we think.. No, we can't actually part the thick grey clouds but we can find ways to bring a little sunshine into our lives.

Tired of feeling tired? First things first, go to the store and buy a bottle of vitamin D. We usually get our dose of vitamin D from the sun hitting our skin but that can be very limited in the winter months. So remember to take your vitamins every morning (unless of course your doctor says otherwise) and your body will love you for it.

My favorite part of spring and summer is seeing all of the beautiful plants and flowers in bloom. It is well known that being around plants has a very calming affect on us. Seeing the beautiful colors, smelling the floral scents and especially getting our hands in the soil can be very beneficial to uplifting our moods. There's a few different ways you can incorporate more plants into your life. First, try buying a tropical house plant. I am a plant hoarder, I have at least three plants in every room in my house and it makes my home feel like an oasis. Next, pay a visit to a plant conservatory. Visiting the W.W. Seymour Conservatory in Wrights Park is a perfect way to spend a cloudy afternoon. Walking through this place makes you feel like you are on a mini vacation. The conservatory is filled with beautiful tropical plants and it's warm, win win!

If plants aren't your thing, there are other ways to combat the winter weather in your home. A very easy thing you can do is to simply open up those curtains and let the light in! Start a morning ritual of pulling open all the shades, slicing open a fresh orange and reading your newspaper by the window. The scent of the citrus mixed with the bright natural light will surely start you off to a great day!

The summer months will be here in no time but for now, try one or all of these methods and hopefully you will feel like nothing can rain on your day. And if all else fails, pack a bag and take damn vacation... you deserve it!

Written by: Ryann Weeks

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